Tax Quiz – Is It Taxable?

The IRS always seems to have a surprise for the unsuspecting taxpayer. As the 2023 tax season comes to an end, here's a True or False quiz to test your knowledge of what's taxable. Scholarships are never taxable. False. If you get scholarship money to cover tuition,...

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Tips for a Smooth 2023 Tax Filing

With tax season officially underway, below are a number of tips to make filing your return as stress-free as possible: Gather your tax information for filing. Items you'll need include W-2s, 1099s, K-1s and other forms you receive from your business, employers,...

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Tax Planning: Now More Important Than Ever

It’s not too late to try and minimize your taxes for 2023. If you haven’t scheduled a tax planning session, now is the best time to do so. Here's how a tax planning session can potentially help your situation: It can make a difference. This is especially true if you...

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Think twice about automatically paying the amount due on a notice from the IRS. Our national tax collection agency is not always right! If you receive a notice from the IRS, do not automatically assume it is correct and submit payment to make it go away. For instance,...

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